Create a Chatroom: in 5 simple steps


Create a Chatroom and free website
in 5 Steps (short Article) 

 Creating your own website takes time and requires knowledge of various Internet terms such as "hosting", "domains" and "uploading", although anyone can create a website with a chat room with a little patience. There are paid ways to create this type of site, but paying a business can cost you hundreds of dollars for years. Fortunately, there is a better way. You can create a website with chat rooms for free. 

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Step 1:

Sign up with a free hosting company on sites like Free Web Hosting, Reviews Ratings, among others. You will need a host to operate the site. Try to compare the functions of each company before choosing one. If you are new, you will probably need one with dedicated customer service that you can call. You may even need service available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, depending on what time of day you work on the site.  

Step 2:

Get a free domain name by going to sites like Free Web Hosting: Free Domain Names. This site details and offers reviews of two sites that offer free domains.

Step 3:

Once you get the domain name, give the name to the company. They will tell you that you must put the information of the server name, after choosing the domain name. You should have received the server name and address information by email from the company after registering.

Step 4:

Choose a website template. Wordpress is an easy platform for creating websites. Do an online search for "Free Wordpress Themes" to be directed to a collection of themes that you can use for the site. Choose the theme you like and upload it to your host. An easy way to upload a Wordpress template to a host is to use Fantastic. You can load Wordpress without it, but for new users, Fantastic can make things simpler. See if your hosting company comes with Fantastic. After you've loaded everything, you should have a blank site.

Step 5:

Install the WordPress chat room plugin. Go to the WP-Live-Chat plugin website. Download the plugin to your hard drive. Go to your host and upload the plugin to your website.  



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